Monday 7 December 2015

We Wish You A Merry Christmas!

The last few months have gone by in a flash I can't believe its almost Christmas!

Juggling work and motherhood certainly makes the week busy and my hats go off to all of the working mums out there. Our baby boy is six months old now and he is amazing, I feel blessed every day to have a lovely healthy baby. 

Having my first child has magnified the importance of the standard of classes we deliver at Dynamic Dance. Everyone wants the best for their children and we have a responsibility to provide excellence in dance education across the spectrum. All of our lesson plans and health and safety checks will be updated for 2016.
We are looking forward to a fantastic 2016 with new classes opening and a summer show booked which will be titled 'Circus'. You guessed the theme and it is going to be a brilliant experience for all of our pupils! We are looking forward to working with more schools and nurseries next year keeping children active and improving their confidence through dance.

Wishing you all a great festive season!

Emily X

For information on all of our classes and dance education programmes contact me

Saturday 7 November 2015


A belated happy Halloween and Guyfawkes to you all! We had great Halloween fun at Dynamic Dance Kingston, Cheam and Eddiecatz Wimbledon. Christian and I also hosted our first Halloween party!

The new term has really gone by in a flash. It seems only five minutes since I was rocking a huge baby bump and now I have a bouncing five month old and I'm doing what woman all over the country are trying their best to do; juggle a work and motherhood. It comes with lots of feelings of guilt and being overwhelmed but I remind myself I'm doing the best I can with everything. My little boy will become more independent each year and I will never lose my passion for dance so it's important to try to balance it all!

We are already approaching the Christmas break and all classes have gone well. I'm looking forward to expanding next year and working with more schools and nurseries as well as opening extra classes in our busy areas.

Have a great weekend!

Emily x

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Sunday 30 August 2015


In true British style the rain is coming diwn on bank holiday Monday, but I'm sure it won't put off the hundreds of people flocking yo jotting hill carnival today.

Friday 14 August 2015

Are You Beach Body Ready?

I'm glad the title of this blog grabbed your attention! Don't worry, I'm not about to start promoting some crazy diet or exercise plan or even worse a pyramid scheme 'miracle product' that promises to make you look ten years younger and 20 lbs lighter!

At the beginning of the summer protein world had a huge backlash against their beach body advert from feminist groups. It seems their promotion of the perfect female body offended lots of people. I think the idea that protein shakes together with a healthy diet and lots of exercise will make you look stronger and leaner was the idea behind this which we all know is true, and the model in the ad certainly looked fantastic. Protein world reported a massive increase in sales and certainly generated massive publicity from this controversial advert.

I'm certainly not ready for a bikini this summer! During my pregnancy I indulged in things I don't usually eat and put my workouts on the back burner but stayed active teaching my classes and walking. I felt pretty huge by the end and my 8 lb 4 little bundle was delivered by emergency C section one week overdue. I felt battered for weeks afterwards but thankfully I have recovered and healed well. I started training once I had the all clear from my doctor with Rachel Law at 121 fitness&health who specialises in post natal training. With her help I am definitely on the way back to fitness and I started my diet pretty much once baby was here. After months of feeling heavy I couldn't wait to feel fit again and to get into my summer wardrobe. I did feel a certain amount of pressure; when I was ready to pop lots of people told me I'd be back to normal in no time (!) but mainly at that pressure I admit was from myself.

I love being a mummy; Christian is the light of our lives and I'm so grateful to have a beautiful healthy baby. At times I am exhausted like all new mums and the last thing you feel like doing is heading to the gym, but it's always been a part of who I am plus I have the motivation that I'm back to work in September. A friend sarcastically asked me if I wanted a medal for getting back in shape and no of course I don't. Its definitely all a juggling act now and I have new respect for mothers everywhere who manage a family along with work and everything else!

For those of you who are lucky enough to be hitting the beach summer definitely flaunt your bikini body with pride! The female body comes in lots of shapes and sizes and the most attractive thing is confidence and loving yourself.

Enjoy your the rest of your summer!

Emily x

For information on post natal training with Rachel visit
For info on the new term at Dynamic Dance contact

Are You Beach Body Ready?

I'm glad the title of this blog grabbed your attention! I'm not about to promote some die

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Are You Beach Body Ready?

I'm glad the title of this blog has grabbed your attention!

At the beginning of summer Protein world came under fire when they released this ad promoting the perfect beach body to women. Feminists and various womens groups were offended by it. It certainly caused a stir and proton world had a 1 million boost in sales following this despite the backlash. I personally wasn't offended by the ad. there are images all over London, allover social media, in tons of magazines of woman with amazing slim, toned bodies. It's just one version of the female body and i take that for what it is.

I was heavily pregnant when the Protein world ad was released, i was heavy and round and dreaming of being fit again and able to sleep comfortably! four months later i have a beautiful baby boy and i'm trying to get fit again.

if I'm being completely honest i sometimes wish i was someone who could shove my hair in a top knot and not care for at least six months about how i look and just completely embrace motherhood. Christian is the light of our lives and I love being a mummy. These early weeks are so precious, he is growing so quickly and I love our days together.

Once christia wa sout and I was home recovering /i hated the sight of myself. I started mtg diet pretty much straight away

Saturday 25 July 2015


I haven't blogged in forever! I have a fairly good excuse as our beautiful son Christian Samuel  arrived on 22nd May at Chelsea and Westminster hospital. The last nine weeks have been a whirlwind but I can honestly say I love being a mummy and we are enjoying this new chapter of our lives as a little family.

Being pregnant for nine months is a long time and the recovery from birth takes a little while. I'm already feeling back to myself and looking forward to getting back to work! I'm in a very lucky situation where I can choose how much work I will do whilst Christian is so young. I will be running our summer school next week (3rd August) from Kingston college and I can't wait. We have a great week planned with a different theme each day- Street dance, musical theatre, break dance/hip/hop, ballet and contemporary! Places are filling up fast with fees from just £15 per day. To book contact me

September is just a round the corner and all of our classes will resume as well as our School and nursery sessions. I will be back teaching some classes and will be working towards our next big show as well as another exciting new project...!

Christian is doing great, he already has such a little personality and is becoming more
independent each day. He has already had a few trips to the studio and loved the music and watching the children dance; I can't wait to see if he is going to be a little dancer when he is bigger!

Wishing you all a Fabulous summer,

Emily X

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Summer Time!

Hi everyone,

Summer is just about here; we've had glimpse a warm weather and I know we are all looking forward to longer days and all of the fun things we can do over summer!

Get active!
Summer is the time when everyone wants to look great and feel great. There has been lots of controversy surrounding the recent Protein World 'Are you bikini ready?' campaign. Many woman  feel under pressure to look perfect due to the media and sites such as the Daily mail constantly praising images of celebrities and their bikini bodies and post baby bodies. I think it's about being healthy and doing what works for you. Everyone can't possibly look the same! We have to love the body we have, look after it but enjoy life.
Start your young people being fit and active by trying out one of our dance classes! Contact me for  a FREE trial in Clapham, Kingston or Cheam.

Summer School!
We are holding our annual summer School in Kingston this year at Kingston College for one week in August. Our week long course is a great way to keep the children entertained and active during the holiday's. The course will run form Monday 3rd -Friday 7th August and the week will include learning street, jazz, musical theatre and hip hop styles with great guest teachers and a fantastic show at the end of the week! Day rates are available and mornings only for the minis. Contact me to book a place

Baby watch!
We are now on baby watch with my due date not far away. We have everything ready for our little one arriving and I feel just about prepared for labour! I will post some pictures on the blog once he has arrived. I can't wait for him to be here safely but like most mums to be I'm nervous for the birth...wish me luck!

Have a great week

Emily X

Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you're all enjoying the long weekend and are planning to eat lots of chocolate.

The last few weeks have been super busy with the end of term, arranging the cover team for next term and getting ready for our new arrival! I don't have much longer to go in my pregnancy and although this is undoubtedly the hardest part I'm so excited for our baby boy to get here.

I'm delighted to welcome Kimberly, Natasha and Ughetta to Dynamic Dance. The girls will be teaching classes from the beginning of the new term as well as school and nurseries sessions and providing Dynamic parties. I've been lucky enough to find a team of experienced and skilled teachers who have the energy and enthusiasm I see as essential in providing the best dance education across London. I can't wait to see what the girls do this term and how our pupils progress.

This Easter we will be holding more Frozen song and dance camps at Eddie Catz Putney and Wimbledon. Frozen is still a huge phenomena and these camps are very popular so book soon for the last few spaces at 

We will be holding our annual Dynamic Dance summer school this August in Kingston with dates to be confirmed. You can register your interest now
The one week summer recourse will allow your child to have a great dance experience, keep active and be part of a fantastic show at the end of the week. I hope to be back up and running by then and teaching some of the week!

I can't wait to move into this exciting time with my family and finally have out little one here. I'll also be trying to get fit again as soon as possible. Anyone who is usually fit will relate to how difficult it is being restricted in pregnancy and I believe becoming fit again as soon a possible will no doubt bring me more energy and help me be a better mum. Watch this space as I share the first pics of my little one and my challenge of shedding the baby weight and getting back in shape!

In the meantime I'm off to munch on some chocolate eggs with my feet up :-)

Have a wonderful Easter Sunday

Emily X

Friday 6 February 2015

Emily Dynamic - Dance Instructor & Choreographer: Over The Rainbow

Emily Dynamic - Dance Instructor & Choreographer: Over The Rainbow: Hi everyone, I've not posted a blog in a while! I've been super busy growing my baby bump and creating our next show 'Over The...

Over The Rainbow

Hi everyone,

I've not posted a blog in a while! I've been super busy growing my baby bump and creating our next show 'Over The Rainbow' which takes place next Saturday!

A baby boy!
The bump is getting big and so far so good. I can't say pregnancy is easy but I have been lucky and haven't had any problems so far. I've kept as active as possible in my classes right through but now I've given in and taken it down a notch. My students have been a great help demonstrating the floor moves etc and helping me out bless them. My body has changed very much which I feel I've dealt with well, much better than I expected. My expanding tummy and growing curves are perfect to carry my little one into the world. I can now feel him moving and it's strangely normal! Not too long to go, and at the end of March I'll put my feet up handing my classes over to a team of superb teachers.

Our show 'Over The Rainbow' will take place next Saturday the 14th February at the Secombe Theatre in Sutton. We are very well prepared and I can't wait; it is going to be amazing! The show is based on the colour spectrum and we dance through the colours presenting a vibrant show with a variety of dance styles. Our dancers have as always been amazing in working hard and bringing the show together. It will be great way to spend Valentines day; You can book tickets at

We are super busy this term elsewhere with nursery sessions, dance in Schools and dance parties. Frozen mania continues for little girls everywhere so we will be holding Frozen workshops at Eddie Catz Putney and Wimbledon during half term. Places are filling up fast so book yours soon at

Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines day; ignore the cynics and do something nice for who you love

Love and light

Emily X

About Emily

My photo
London, United Kingdom
'By doing what you love you inspire and awaken the hearts of others' Dance is my passion and I want to share it whilst offering a high standard of dance training to young people. Raised in the north but built in the south, I'm a proud Mum to a two year old boy.