Friday 24 February 2017

Spring in my step

It's almost spring and this year for me is all about positivity, finding a good work/home life balance and time for the things I enjoy.

Last year was manic with a business and a baby it feels you barely have a minute to take care of yourself. Reading a book, taking a class in London and chilling in the spa after a workout are all things of the past. My little boy is growing up and as he gets faster life seems to get faster!

I had a chat with a good friend today about the effects of a positive mindset and it's definitely the best way to make the most of life and enjoy the things you have so here are my three things I'm grateful for today!

I've been blessed with a wonderful Mum who turns 65 next week. My Dad sadly passed away four years ago. Mum, or Mam as we say up north was a quiet but strong supporter of my dance passion from the age of four when I had my first pair of second hand tap shoes! My parents made sacrifices for all of us to have the things we needed and gave us a grounded upbringing. I have two brothers, three nephews and one niece who I don't see often but I'm grateful for all the same. I'm blessed to have my own little family now and I'm still overwhelmed by the love I have for my son every day.


From the first time I set foot in a dance classes knew it was where I wanted to be. Over the years I've had some great experiences performing and then of course came my passion for teaching and the business I now have. I've made some wonderful friendships through dance over the years. It's not all about numbers or success for me, it's about how much I enjoy watching a piece of dance in the theatre, online or in the street, how alive it makes me feel and how I enjoy sharing it with others. From dance stems my desire to be active and fit. When I have daily struggles that come with running a business I remember it's about doing what you love and how lucky I am to do that.

Loyal friends

My close friends are like family to me. I've always kept my circle quite small and many of my friends I've had since I was teenager. My close friends have helped me through the tough times, through grief, through broken relationship and supported me in my work. I've made good Friends through dynamic dance some of whom even visited me in hospital when my son was born. I've made new friends on my journey into motherhood and I love and cherish all of them.

This is a great exercise to do daily or even weekly if you can!

All is going well at our studios so far in 2017. We are enjoying working with primary and secondary Schools and have had workshops and performances already.

I'm looking forward to a busy year where I will  be enjoying each day and each class and remembering its all about dance.

Wishing you all a great weekend,

Emily X

Thanks to at Lady Margaret School in Parsons green for having us at their Jump! event in February
Thanks to Eddie Catz for having us during half term running a dance workshop
Thanks to Avi Mavida at espressogo app for the inspiration. 

About Emily

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London, United Kingdom
'By doing what you love you inspire and awaken the hearts of others' Dance is my passion and I want to share it whilst offering a high standard of dance training to young people. Raised in the north but built in the south, I'm a proud Mum to a two year old boy.